Thursday, October 24, 2013

Identity In Context


Upon reading the chapter Identity in Context by Nakkula, we were asked to answer a few questions regarding the text for this week. Listed below are the questions accompanied by the answers.

What is context mapping? Context mapping is a diagram used to show our different identities within our environment(s). It shines light onto whom and what we are. Additionally, it tells us what environments we are immersed in and things we are involved in.

What did Mitch ask Julian to do? In the chapter Mitch first asks Julian to list, then write down the spaces and relationships he navigates each day. Furthermore, he asks him to write down what each of those spaces and people expect of him. Lastly, Mitch asks him to pay attention to how he feels in those spaces.

What are the four identities described in the chapterForeclosed Identity, Moratorium, Diffuse Identity, and Achieved Identity.

Foreclosed Identity: One in which an individual has committed to a life direction, or way of being, without exploring it carefully and without experimenting with alternatives.

Moratorium: When one actively explores roles and beliefs, behaviors and relationships, but refrains from making a commitment.

Diffuse Identity: State in which there has been little exploration or active consideration of a particular identity and no psychological commitment to one.

Achieved Identity: Occurs when the identity crisis is resolved and the commitment to the selected identity is high. Other identities are no longer explored. 

In my opinion, we have situations in our lives that force us to undergo several of the identity types. However, in regards to my major and life goals, I feel as if I am between both Moratorium and Achieved Identity. I know that I want to work with children and help them with their development, however, there are certain aspects that I am unsure of. This coincides with the fact that I am unsure of where I want to be location wise when I begin my youth work. I don't know where I'll be or what I will be doing years from now, however, I am always open to exploring new avenues and learning from others.


  1. Nina I really like the way defined Context mapping. I had a little understanding of context mapping and it was still a little confusing for me but the way you explained it helped me understand a little better

  2. I love your context map and the ways you have defined social, home and school (I wonder, how is it for you moving across these different spaces and are there times when they are blurred?). It sounds like you are in exactly the right place in terms of figuring out where/how, with whom you want to work. Being an undergraduate is a great time to explore and try out different spaces, roles, future identities.
